Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Half Way Point

Its been about 16 months since I was resting after a long 14 mile hike to the top of Larch Mountain and thought to myself, I feel great!  It was at that moment that I conceived of 52 Hikes.  If I could commit myself to going on 52 hikes, I could easily lose 52 lbs and feel great 52 times over the course of the next year of my life.  Today, as I updated the map of the places I have hiked on this quest, I noticed that I am half way there.  While it will ultimately take much longer than a year to accomplish this goal, I am proud of the fact that I have made it outdoors 21 times this year (2011) and on the majority of the hikes I have been accompanied by my beautiful daughters and wonderful friends. 

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